What Are The Different Types Of Metal Spraying?

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Metal spraying, also known as thermal spraying or metal coating, is a process used to apply a protective layer of metal onto the surface of an object. It is commonly used in various industries to improve the surface properties and extend the lifespan of different materials. There are several different types of metal spraying techniques, each with its own unique characteristics and applications. This article aims to explore the different types of metal spraying methods and their uses.


1. Flame Spraying

Flame spraying is one of the oldest and most widely used metal spraying methods. In this technique, a metal wire or powder is heated using a flame produced by a combustible gas mixture, such as oxygen and acetylene. The molten metal particles are then propelled onto the surface of the object being coated using a stream of compressed air. Flame spraying is suitable for a wide range of materials, including zinc, aluminum, and various alloys. It is commonly used for corrosion protection, dimensional restoration, and even decorative purposes.


2. Arc Spraying

Arc spraying, also known as twin wire arc spraying, is a metal spraying technique that utilizes the heat generated by an electric arc to melt and propel metal wires onto the substrate. The electric arc is created between two wires of the same material, which are continuously fed into the arc spray gun. The molten metal droplets are expelled from the gun at high velocities and solidify upon impact with the substrate. Arc spraying is often used for applications that require dense, well-bonded coatings, such as wear resistance, anti-corrosion, and thermal barrier coatings.


3. Plasma Spraying

Plasma spraying is a thermal spraying technique that involves the use of a highly ionized gas, usually argon, as the heat source. The gas is passed through an electric arc, creating a plasma stream with temperatures of up to 20,000°C. The metal powder or wire is injected into the plasma stream, where it is heated and accelerated towards the substrate. Plasma spraying is suitable for a wide range of materials and is often used for applications that require high coating quality, such as aerospace components, turbine blades, and engine parts.


4. HVOF Spraying

High-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying is a metal spraying technique that utilizes a combustion flame generated by the mixing of a high-pressure fuel gas, such as propane or hydrogen, with oxygen. The flame is directed towards the substrate, and metal particles, in the form of powder, are injected into the flame. The high velocity and high kinetic energy of the particles result in a dense, tightly adhered coating. HVOF spraying is commonly used to provide wear resistance, to restore worn parts, and to provide thermal barriers.



Metal spraying is a versatile and effective technique for applying protective coatings onto various materials. The different types of metal spraying methods, including flame spraying, arc spraying, plasma spraying, and HVOF spraying, offer unique advantages and are suitable for different applications. By understanding the characteristics of each method, industries can select the most appropriate metal spraying technique to meet their specific needs and requirements.


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